
What are the best herbs and spices for the face and how to use them?

Here is my lady how to use the best herbs and spices for the face, if you want to dispense with chemical preparations. Thus, you benefit from the antioxidants and inflammations found in natural elements. Not only that, but you will also treat skin problems such as spots, hyperpigmentation and acne. In addition to tightening and whitening the skin. Next, we explain to you a group of the best spices and herbs and how to use each of them along with their benefits.


How to use the best herbs and spices for the face


Here are every important herb and spice for the face, how to use them and their many benefits:


Chamomile is the best herb for treating sunburn, inflammation and eczema on the face


Chamomile is one of the best ingredients in a group of herbs and spices for the face. Because it treats various skin problems, for example, sunburn, skin pigmentation, bruises, wounds and eczema. Prepare a cup of chamomile tea, then add 1/2 cup of oats, then a spoonful of white honey. Now you have chamomile paste. Spread it on your skin and wash it off with warm water after a third of an hour.


Cinnamon is an important spice for skin cell renewal and skin tightening


Thanks to the presence of cinnamaldehyde in cinnamon, which boosts collagen, you get a tight face without sagging or wrinkles. Thus, you will have a fresh and vibrant skin. In addition, cinnamon is rich in antioxidants, which protect the skin from infection and free radicals. Make a paste of one tablespoon of cinnamon powder with three tablespoons of honey. Heat the paste over low heat or in the microwave. Wash your face after 10 minutes of applying this best spiced cinnamon face mask.


Thyme is one of the best herbs and spices for facial care


Make a mask from the best spices to rejuvenate the face and treat the skin. Thyme cleanses the skin of microbes and bacteria in addition to treating rashes and acne. Soak the thyme in a bowl of water for 20 minutes, then using a cotton pad, spread the soaked thyme water on the skin. Rinse with warm water after 20 minutes.


Make of rosemary or rosemary the best mask for rejuvenating the face


The antioxidants and anti-aging properties that rosemary contains, make it the best among the group of herbs and spices for the face. It also removes bacteria from the skin and protects it from the harmful effects of the sun’s rays. In a bowl, grind a quantity of rosemary with oats, then add cold water, then mix well. Rub your face with the mask in circular motions, then rinse with cold water after 10-15 minutes.





Mint herb for the health of the face and skin


Mint has many benefits for the face and skin in general, and is the most prominent in the list of the best herbs and spices for the face. It cleans the skin and removes the dirt accumulated in the pores. It also reduces itching and inflammation. Not only that, but it is rich in antioxidants and removes spots, pigmentation and blackheads. Now we show you the best mask method in the group of herbs and spices for facial care. In a clean bowl, grind a few fresh mint leaves, then add water until you get a thick paste. Wash your face with lukewarm water after the herbal mask dries on your skin.

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