
5 Ways to Raise Successful and Confident Children

5 Ways to Raise Successful and Confident Children

Confidence; In short, it is people’s being at peace with themselves, knowing and accepting themselves. Seeing yourself neither higher nor lower than others is to love yourself. It is also a very important concept for a happy and healthy life. Because people who do not trust and respect themselves enough have a hard time in human relations. Especially in school or business life, not being able to express thoughts for fear of being judged, discouragement and introversion will be reflections of self-confidence. At this point, it is important for families to be conscious about infant development  and to raise their children correctly from a young age. Because self-confidence is an innate, acquired self-perception. So, what can be done to raise children with high self-confidence?

Ask for Their Ideas


Listen to your child, let him express himself and speak his mind. For example, let’s say you are going to make a cake together… Ask which fruit would suit you best and consider their suggestions. In this way, your child, who feels that his opinion is important, will both feel that he has a place in the society and will learn to respect the opinions of others.

Make It Take Responsibility


After the age of 4 – 5, children can handle almost all their own affairs. They can put on their coats, eat with a fork, brush their teeth or pick up their toys. After his fine and gross motor skills begin to develop, you should give him responsibilities, even small ones, and explain how he should do the tasks you have given him. As your child fulfills his duty, you should appreciate him with words such as “Well done”. In this way, the responsibilities you give will become a habit for your child and he will have a sense of success as he fulfills his responsibilities. Thus, you will have taken the first steps of raising a self-sufficient and self-confident child.

Don’t Threaten, Don’t Embarrass


Trying to make your child do something by threatening you paves the way for your child to develop a sense of fear towards you. For example, “If you don’t eat, we won’t go to the park today.” The sentence is a threat and damages your child’s self-confidence by causing them to develop a sense of fear. Likewise, embarrassing your child for what they didn’t do will prevent them from freely sharing their thoughts later on. Instead, always respect their opinion, and even if you think it’s wrong, tell it in a way that it understands what is wrong and why.

don’t compare

Do not compare your child with anyone, including his sibling. Making comparisons can cause your child to become more withdrawn or irritable in case of failure. Remember that every child is special and different.

Make You Feel Safe

As children’s personalities develop, they are affected by the environment in which they grow up. If you provide your child with a loving environment at home and make him feel safe, his personality will develop in parallel with this and his self-confidence will be high

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